EPISODE 1: Sidetracked on the way to the Racetrack
"The Rumble Rally" is about to begin!
Anticipation grips the competitors before the start of the
long awaited Rumble Rally, a competition in which entrants
must complete a specified course to claim a guaranteed fabulous
This episode begins as we follow the fate of four independent
entrants as they prepare to join the start of the race at the
track. But these are no ordinary competitors, for not only
do they each have a deep-seated desire to win, they also lack
even an ounce of sportsmanship-like behaviour! Each is driven
to win for personal reasons and, no doubt, the desire to claim
the marvelous award. With the wave of the starting flag only
a matter of hours away, our entrants are on their way to the
starting line, plotting and planning their winning strategy
as they go.

Here we see Lady Lavinia Kydd-Leatherette cruising along
in her modified Model A and casually contemplating the roll
of the loaded dice that made up her mind to take part in
this race. Lady L. is just back from Vegas where she pitched
her latest idea for a themed casino, Miss Katie's Tassel
Parlour , to Caesar "the squeezer" Cornetto.
Unfortunately the Mob didn't like idea of competition from
some "Euro-dame." and Lady L. was personally escorted
from the city. But not before she had a go at breaking the
bank at Squeezer's Palace (bar, casino and strip club) by
betting on black when she should have bet on red, her lucky
colour. Now Lady L. has a slight cash flow problem, and she
thinks the prize would come in handy. But first she'd
like to stop off at a convenient bookmaker on the way to
the race so she can place a bet on herself to win. Then it's
off to Harvey Nick's to pick up some lippy to match her new
driving outfit and a bottle of chilled Bolly - oh yes, and
a particularly sharp knife to damage a few tyres with!

In another part of the country Miss Kitten Caboodle wastes
no time as she puts the pedal to the metal in her cute little
1960's Austin Healey, which was a bonus from her last job
fixing races at Goodwood by using her feminine charms to
infiltrate the exclusive Driver's Private Bar in the V.I.P.
Club House. Knowing full well how fab she looks behind
its wheel, she stealthily speeds down the motorway with a
John Barry film soundtrack collection blaring out of the
music system. There's a glint of determination in Kitten's
keen eye; she's on a mission and must not fail. Her employer,
that infamous villain The Hooded Claw, has promised her some
sort of "immortality treatment" if she succeeds
in her mission. Alarmingly, Kitten is down to the last of
her nine lives, so she'll stop at nothing to fulfill these
orders in hopes of regaining her former livelihood. Poor
Kitten - so many entrants to sabotage and so little time
before the race! She's curious why H.C. wants these particular
entrants put out of commission. She guesses she'll just have
to resort to good ol' fashioned treachery to complete her
task and claim her prize. Let's hope she does before curiosity
gets the better of this Kitten!

Meanwhile, enjoying the rhythmic thump of the engine and
car-alarm-triggering roar of her bike's goldie exhaust, Pandora
Pitstop hums to herself a gleeful little tune to match her
mood -
If you've got to do something underhanded
and sneaky
If you're going to do something
outrageous and freaky /
Be sure you
do it in style!
If you're about to
do something nasty and against the law /
If you're doing something wicked
and worthy of "The Claw"/
it swiftly and with style /
la la!
Ms.Pitstop casts her mind back to the time when she and this
strange chap Aubrey broke out of Arkham and went on the run.
They stumbled upon a bank raid in progress with a motorcycle
and sidecar outfit left running as a getaway vehicle. Just
as the robber came out of the bank with the cash, Aubrey pushed
the rider off the bike as Pitstop tripped up the one with the
swag, and off they rode, hell-bent for leather! They celebrated
their first felony with a drink at The Ace - where better to
hide a bike than with other bikes? Unfortunately for Pitstop,
Aubrey's alter ego Count Backwards made a showing and loosened
the bolts for the side car. She found herself parting his company
on the North Circular, skidding onto the hard shoulder. Unfortunately
for Count B, Pitstop swapped most of the cash for bits of newspaper. She
smiles and sighs at the memory and looks forward to the beginning
of a new devious adventure.

Elsewhere, after several attempts to shift out of reverse,
Count Backwards manages to get his super-charged jalopy out
of his secret workshop (it's no secret, it's The Duchess
of Dust somewhere in West London). Muttering and grumbling,
he tears off down the road, frightening animals and small
children. Predictably, Count B. has gone the wrong
way as he has written the instructions on how to get to the
track in reverse order on the back of a shopping list. Time
wasting is most definitely frowned upon according to Count
B.'s standards, so he swings his 1922 jalopy in a broad squealing
u-turn, forcing a moped into a ditch and spraying a few pedestrians
with loose gravel. When Count Backward is on the road all
competitors - and spectators for that matter - should be
considered "at hazard"! Speaking of hazards,
that shopping list Count B. has clenched between his teeth
details several food stuffs (is alcohol considered a "food
stuff"?) and a variety of items usually found in the Jane's
Ammunition Handbook and Field Guide . The laser-sighted,
heat-seeking, armour-piercing, pearl-handled Saturday Night
Special with comfort grip may be hard to come by. So is it
any wonder Count B. is in a bad mood? But then again,
when is he not? He's just started Theda Bara's 12-Step
Laudanum Detox Diet as well.
"I picked a bad day to give up
laudanum!" growls Count B., spitting out bits of paper while
searching the glove compartment for his hip flask.
Gnashing his teeth, he grips the
wheel with white-knuckled intensity, then shouts, "I'll get
you Lady Lavinia and that spying little Cat too!"
Will our
corrupt competitors make it to the track on time? Stay tuned for the next installment of "The
Rumble Rally!"