Episode 2: Backwards' Bargain Bazaar
Moments later...
Backwards uncharacteristically peeks at his rear-view mirror
and notices a speeding little sports car coming up behind
him fast. It's that feisty Miss Kitten Caboodle - top
down, music blaring as she roars past him, eyes fixed determinedly
on the road ahead. Intently she brushes her hand before
her face trying to clear away the smoky black exhaust fumes
belching from Count Backwards' enormous tin lizzy. Consumed
in her thoughts, she hasn't noticed the car's driver, nor
his rather vulgar gestures cast in her direction.
Count Backwards furiously shakes his leather-clad fist at
her. "Now I must seize my chance! I'll take
a short cut and head the little minx off with a detour of
some sort" Backwards says with vexation as he grabs at the
glove compartment for his RAC Unofficial A to Z of Short
Cuts, Back Alleys, and Secret Tress-passages . He selects
a particularly sneaky yet scenic route, as it's a nice day. His
addled mind is working almost as quickly as his heap is traveling,
and he thinks to himself, "I'm sure I packed my ACME (patented) Female
Diversion Kit (guaranteed results on anyone possessing
more than their fair share of x chromosomes) in anticipation
of this opportunity!" Quickly glancing at the
upside-down map on the seat next to him, Count B. takes the
first exit off the road and heads west when he should be
going east....
Meanwhile, Lady Lavinia Kydd Leatherette is trying to find
room in the boot of her car for her last minute purchases. She
casually pushes aside several pairs of shoes, changes of clothing,
and a well-oiled, travel-size Howitzer. Moving to the
front of the car, she tears the parking ticket off the windscreen
and places it on another vehicle, then hops in behind the wheel. A
gentle smirk creeps across her luscious lips as she tucks a
betting slip behind the sun visor.
Ms. Pitstop also continues on her journey to the racetrack. A
sentimental tear causes her goggles to steam up, so she stops
along the roadside to stretch her legs. She hadn't
realised just how much she missed her old asylum adversary,
Aubrey. She thinks to herself, "Perhaps if his silly
doppelganger Count Backwards didn't dislike me so much we
could have joined forces. What with his fiendish good
looks and my finishing school education, we could have set
up "Chaos and Cream Teas," our very own subversive publications
book shop and tea rooms in Portmeirion, trading in underground
international best sellers like Revolution for Fun and
Profit , Contemporary Contrebande , and Final
Solutions: The Feng Shui Way . Oh well,
he wouldn't recognise me now anyway - well, not without the
straight jacket - and even
if he did, could he ever forgive me after what I did to his
sidekick Boris?" She shudders briefly. "Boy,
that pit was deep. And those rats were very hungry. And
the pendulum was sharp; it was a masterstroke, really. Get
it? Stroke? Pendulum?" She sniggers and giggles
while putting her goggles back on, climbs astride her modified
Bullet 500, and kicks it to life. Off she roars again
towards the track.
Now our attention turns to the Double X Crossroads. Count
Backwards is fully aware that most of the race participants
will use this route to get to the track and will therefore
pass by this very spot. Despite previous directional
difficulties, he manages to arrive in good time before his
intended targets and begins to set his trap. Hurriedly
he unpacks the ACME kit and becomes a flurry of activity
with paint and nails erecting a structure on a prominent
position at the crossroads. At last satisfied with
his handiwork, he creeps away behind what appears to be a
perfectly normal shop front to where he has hidden his jalopy. Indeed
the little shop has a truly irresistible facade in pink and
black: "La Boutique a la Bacquards."
First to arrive at the crossroads is Lady Lavinia Kydd Leatherette. She
looks over at the shop, unable to resist staring at its bright
colours and large friendly signage.

The sight of a cute pair of red high-heeled, peep-toe shoes
and a rather large
"sale" sign immediately distresses her.
"Oh my! Do I possibly have time before the race
to try them on?"

Hastily she parks up her hot rod and scurries into the "shop",
fishing in her cleavage for spare cash.
Miss Kitten skids to a yielding stop at the crossroads. Desperate
not to waste a single moment, she anxiously looks about to
ensure all is clear, then very slowly looks over her shoulder,
not believing what she is seeing.

is in a state of complete disbelief at what she is
witnessing - a notice in a shop window advertising
designer labels at 75% off. "What?! That can't
possibly be true! I'll just have to go in and check
this out for myself!" exclaims Miss Kitten as she hits
the accelerator. With a neat handbrake turn she's
parked up and making a dash for the door, wallet in
Ms Pitstop arrives moments later as if on cue. As
she slows down for the crossroads, she catches a glimpse
out of the corner of her eye of something shiny and sparkly. As
if a mirage has risen in a desert, she sees before her the
cutest little boutique - all stylish in its pink and black
paintwork. But to the window is where her gaze is lead. She
is hypnotised by what looks like diamond jewelery glinting
in the morning sun, luring her like the song of a siren into
the shop.

Coasting into a parking space, she carefully switches the
engine off, lifts the bike onto its centre stand, and walks
slowly into the shop - eyes wide, mouth gaping, and face
What bargains await the girls in Backwards' bazaar boutique? Will
the discount be too low to go to and the price too high to
pay? Stay tuned for the next enticing installment!