Episode 17 - "Venice to Vienna"
The disparate group of "Rumblers" (as Miss kitten
called them) lurked in the pit lane by their respective machines,
as much to prevent sabotage as because they wanted to be in
and away when called up to the line by the officials.
After the Grand Ball, the guests of the Marchesa had been
transported by gondola to the mainland circuit where their
machines had been garaged (under armed guard), ready to begin
the next stage. Backwards, due to his Party costume, had been
mistaken for one of Venice's water taxis, and Kitten had some
marvelous fun watching him attempting to propel himself, with
his 'passenger' - Father Scarletti - in the right direction.
Sadly, owing to his complete ineptitude, the last she saw
of Backwards was the unfortunate peer clinging to his pole
in the middle of the Grand Canal, and Father Scarletti, drifting
off to the lagoon, exchanging most ungodly language with him.
Other gondoliers were punting to their assistance.
Kitten herself had inveigled a place on the Marchesa's personal
gondola, together with the Baroness, Lavinia and Gabriel.
It was not a comfortable position as space was limited and
neither of the other two women welcomed her presence. In fact
there was much mutual loathing and suspicion between all three
of them. She would have liked to have had the opportunity
to flirt more with Gabriel and upset the apple-cart still
further, but somehow, one look at the Baroness' lethal glare
melted the idea. Instead she decided for once to be a 'good
girl' and sit quietly, letting her mere presence do its work.
Like her namesake, she didn't fancy the idea of an early morning
Gabriel wasn't feeling his best, but he made small talk with
the Marchesa. Knowing the lady's reputation he tried to probe
her over the possibility of the Casa being 'haunted'. All
he got in return was an enigmatic,'possibly, mia Bello, but
I myself have seen no ghosts. You are welcome to return and
haunt my house though, if the race goes ill for you,' at which
point Gabriel had paled and fallen silent. The Marches idly
wondered what was wrong with him. Before the Ball at their
initial meeting he had been charm itself. Now, her little
joke seemed to have touched a nerve. Her eyes narrowed and
she smiled to herself as she regarded him. She began to have
her suspicions
Now all the racers had assembled. As they checked-in, Kitten
perused the posted list of competitors with the throng of
spectators, which read as follows:
Name |
Ldy L. Kydd-Leatherette |
Miss K. Caboodle |
Ms P. Pitstop |
Count Backwards |
Fr Scarletti (Vatican) |
K. v Lumpenkarl |
Accident (Alps)
F. Antomas |
Accident (Paris)
Constanza Poison Negro |
Sir Derek Micklethwaite |
Fabrizio Carlos Sarducci |
Krzysztof Kozhakhmetova |
Late Entrant
- (Glorious Soviet Army) |
Sydney Chiverton-Smythe |
- (Piccalilli of Picadilly) |
Mendigo Malo Hernandez |
- (Domingo Estate) |
Ms. Violencia Van Zeil |
Seamus McLaughlin |
Singing Raucously
- (OHalorans Howlers
RC) |
Randolph Thompson-Vickers |
- (Thompson-Vickers Arms) |
Ms Dragana Wolfsteiner |
Ivan Mijuskovic |
Eric Oberstoetter |
Charles Chip Woodward
(Goodenuff Super-wides) |
Piers Templeman |
Harry Swigger |
- (Ballarat Bruisers) |
Hideo Takamori |
En Route
Fan Song |
Miss Kitten was pleased to be so close to
the top of the leader board - not that she needed to actually
win, but she had some pride. She wondered who was betting
on her: her 'boss' perhaps - and it was the most unbelievable
coincidence then that someone grabbed her arm, jerked her
into a broom cupboard and a voice she knew hissed venomously
in her ear;
'Do you want to explain why your targets are still in the
'I'm working on it!' she hissed back to the shadowy figure,
'I nearly had the Toffs in Venice - or one of them anyway...'
'I don't want to hear about your private life - I need Lavinia
out of the Race. On this stage. Then deal with the biker -
at all costs I want her dead. Or your life won't be worth
living. Understood?'
Kitten, subdued, 'Understood, Boss,' and without more discussion
she was propelled out of the cupboard and into the emptying
garage. She hot-footed it for her car, which had been relocated
from Monte Carlo, presumably by HC. As she seated herself
within, she checked the glove box for her documents, money
and 'credentials'. They were not there. She wondered where
they could have gone
'I'm driving, you're still too rough.' Lavinia told her brother
crisply, 'You clearly can't be trusted to behave when you're
not sober.'
'Suits me fine,' muttered Gabriel. There was a certain amount
of tension between them since the night of the Ball and Gabriel's
weird evening. He still didn't believe all of it actually
happened, and was a little fuzzy on certain details, but yes,
there was Buffy on the start line, waving a handkerchief and
blowing a kiss as they waited for Starter's Orders. Gabriel
smiled weakly and raised a hand, Lavinia revved the engine,
meaningfully, staring straight ahead. She didn't like this
mysterious blonde, and in a private moment had placed a long
distance call to her solicitor. She instructed him to do some
'digging'. Her half-brother (and secretly she felt rather
worried, because she did love him, after all) was next to
useless and could tell her nothing about the Baroness. The
flag was waved and Chugger Zoom shot away from the line
Miss Kitten was up next. Before her approach to the line she
had mixed her patent 'trap-formula' (tins filled with tacks
and sump oil), and secreted them in the foot-well. Admittedly
their use required her to actually overtake her victim before
dumping them on the road at speed (where they would burst),
but she was largely improvising this plan. She had been rattled
by HC's appearance and he had seemed less tolerant of her
lack of success. Could he be tiring of her services? The thought
worried her - it was a cushy job, after all. She felt a momentary
pang about having to do away with Gabriel at the same time,
but she consoled herself with thoughts of 'the fabulous prize'
and business was business. 'Easy come, easy go,' she thought
and revved her engine. Her boss' other words then deal with
the biker, at all costs I want her dead, crossed her mind,
and as she was waved off, it occurred to her that she had
not seen Ms Pitstop in the pit lane at all
Whilst the other competitors had been gifted a consolation
clue 'Seek ye the Next Clue in the Rose of Lake Worthersee',
Pandora Pitstop had already discovered it. All the information
she needed for this stage had been gifted her by the Marchesa,
and she now relaxed in Der Café Carinthia, in Klagenfurt,
sipping a Turkish coffee she could not taste, and perusing
the rest of the clue. She had in her estimation at least a
six hour start on anyone else, and could afford to take her
time, as far as the race was concerned. As for her 'other
problem': the Marchesa's words of encouragement and support
had given her new heart, and renewed her resolve. She decided
for now to set her mind to the race. She read through the
parchment scroll contained in the jeweled box. It informed
her she must find 'a water-dragon to point the way'. She looked
up from the scroll to the ornamental fountain in the square
and smiled at the bronze statue she saw there
'Fraulein! Was tun Sie? erhalten Sie unten von dort!' Up
to her elbow in the dragon-fountain's mouth, Pitstop turned
towards the source of the shout. The policeman was young,
barely more than a rookie, and easily handled therefore.
Pitstop grinned conspiratorially 'sprechen Sie Englisch? At
his nod, Pitstop indicated he come over. Intrigued the young
policeman joined her in the fountain, water up to his knees.
Pitstop gave him a measuring look and asked cryptically 'Are
you a Racing fan, officer?'
He answered guardedly 'Ja
what is this?'
'You know the Rumble Rally?' His eyes lit up and he nodded
'Ja, fraulein - you are a racer?'
'I am,' confirmed Pitstop, "the next clue I think is
in - ' she stretched her fingers a little more and they touched
something 'Here! Yes!' she withdrew her arm and clenched in
her fist was a brass cylinder bearing the Red race flag. She
smiled at him, a glitter of eyes and teeth, 'Do you want to
help me win?'
The officer rocked back slightly on his heels, but was quite
overcome, 'Err..ja, fraulein. How can I be of service?' Pitstop
put her arm around his shoulders and they splashed out of
the basin.
'Well,' she said, unscrewing the lid of the case and examining
the ubiquitous parchment clue,' I've got time. If you can
first help me find a stationer's, and then help me with a
plan of mine
'Who's that behind us?' Lavinia asked, glancing in her rearview
mirror. Gabriel leaned out of the window for a better look.
Though the driver's face was obscured by wind-whipped blonde
hair, it was obvious: Kitten Caboodle, and she was gaining.
Gabriel relayed the information to Lavinia.
'Hmm,' said Lavinia selecting a faster gear, 'Let's see how
good she is,' and Chugger Zoom began to out haul the pursuing
roadster. But only momentarily, for Kitten's car again began
to advance with frightening speed.
'She's coming on again,' Gabriel stated, a note of excitement
creeping into his voice.
'Ha!' exclaimed Lavinia and began to weave on the road to
prevent Kitten overtaking. Suddenly, without warning, Kitten's
car leapt forward and rammed Chugger's rear bumper. Lavinia
'Did you piss her off last night or something?' she half muttered
in Gabriel's direction.
Without thinking Gabriel responded 'She molested me, the tart,
it was all I could do to get away from the trollop - Livvi,
EYES ON THE ROAD!' for his half-sister was staring round eyed
at him and they were close to the edge. Swearing, Lavinia
wrenched the wheel around, but the swerve had allowed Kitten
to pass, which she did with a characteristic 'grind and bump'
of wheel arches.
'Bitch!,' snapped Lavinia, 'Got a thing for blondes have we?'
she continued venting her spleen at Gabriel.
'Not blondes, no
' Gabriel replied very quietly and looked
out of the window.
Kitten had pulled ahead but somehow seemed not to be able
to outrace them as she held her position ten yards ahead.
Lavinia smiled grimly. 'Ha, she can't keep it up, now we'll
- WHAT THE HELL?' for Kitten had thrown something over her
shoulder. It bounced twice on the road and split apart in
a spray of oil and metal fragments over Chugger's bonnet.
Gabriel reached around the edge of the windscreen and plucked
one of these from where it was lodged. It was a very sharp
2 inch long tack.
'Livvi, close up, don't give her the space to launch another!'
he commanded. Lavinia nodded and pressed the gas pedal. As
they closed on her, Kitten launched another 'bomb'. Lavinia
skillfully took evasive action, but the car following them
was not so lucky: tires shredded, the Bentley Blower of Sydney
Chiverton-Smythe spun 360 degrees before careering backwards
into a large boulder. Smoke began to curl upwards.
'Bad luck, Chivers,' muttered Gabriel. Lavinia accelerated,
closing the distance between her and Kitten. This was clearly
a duel to the death, and it wasn't going to be theirs.
Kitten spared a glance over her shoulder, and reached into
the foot well for another canister. It was her last - she
had to make it count. Bracing the gas pedal with a large spanner,
and steering with one hand, she stood in her seat, canister
upraised in the other and took careful aim on Chugger Zoom.
'Finally, you copper topped tart,' she snarled, 'sorry, Gabriel
and she launched her projectile.
'Oh that's almost epic,' said Gabriel as he watched their
persecutor launch her bomb. Lavinia closed the distance. The
canister did not hit road: it exploded through Chugger's windscreen
in a spray of oil and sharp steel. Kitten gave a crow of triumph
as the Mephistopheles 23 slewed across the road. Her triumph
was short lived, for the jalopy somehow held the road.
What occurred next happened in very short succession. Kitten's
roadster, inexpertly steered, hit a pothole. The spanner was
jolted from its position on the accelerator and fell heavily
on the brake, and those racing brakes were good. The car screeched
to a halt, but Kitten was saved from being catapulted over
the bonnet purely by the fact of Chugger Zoom, blindly steered,
piling into her rear bumper. Kitten, unsecured, was launched
into space and, performing an impressive backwards somersault,
arced, limbs failing through the air and landed in Chugger's
rear seat: rump first painfully and messily in a pool of oil
and tacks. She yelped at her punctured posterior flesh, and
whiplash. Chugger had been stopped, but the 120mph momentum
had hammered the lighter roadster off the road and down the
steep gradient. Kitten, hat over her eyes, did not witness
the final death of her car as it cartwheeled end over end
before exploding in the ravine. She pulled the brim off her
face and wiped hair from her eyes and said 'ah
'. Staring
back at her, covered in oil and looking murder were Lavinia
and Gabriel. Kitten swallowed hard
Count Backwards was glad to be out of Venice, out on his own,
and most of all out of the ridiculous Gondolier's clothes.
He had 'borrowed' a rather natty little Mercedes 710 Trossi
from the Austrian Eric Oberstoetter, while the other was purging
his system of the elephant laxative that had somehow found
it's way into his morning coffee. Backwards laughed dementedly:
he didn't envy the next person into the WC. Now his new car
devoured the miles towards Klagenfurt (oh, really, what a
simple clue - he'd holidayed there!). Ahead of him in the
middle and far distance were two other competitors; having
perused the starting list he knew they would be - Constanza
'Poison' Negro, and Sir Derek Micklethwaite, the Piccalilli
Magnate, in his custom yellow Wolsley Hornet. Even at this
distance, the vile colour was unmistakable. Backwards vaguely
knew Micklethwaite, and was amazed a man of his corpulence
was able to squeeze into the cockpit of the auto - the thought
made him vaguely queasy and the Marchesa's calamari breakfast
was sitting rather heavy. Striking woman, the Marchesa, thought
Backwards but mad (look who's talking?).
The other driver, 'Poison' Negro, was a serious competitor.
A ruthless Argentinean ex-merengue dancer from the bars of
Buenos Aires she had clawed her way up first as a race groupie,
then a racer in her own right - and she drove dirty. Backwards
had seen her hovering about her rivals cars, which enabled
him to pick an 'un-nobbled' one. Well, he thought, you're
first - and he pressed the pedal
Constanza 'Poison' Negro drove an ivy green Maserati Tipo.
She was a domineering 35 year old woman of striking appearance.
Her immaculate black Marcel wave and kiss curl were concealed
beneath her leather flying helmet, and she hid the cruelty
in her eyes behind round smoked lens sunglasses. Nothing hid
the cruel pleasure of her smile though as she glimpsed the
Mercedes moving to overtake her. She drew the nickel-plated
automatic from her garter belt and modified her speed. They
were approaching a wider stretch of road, where her pursuer
was certain to make his move.
Backwards licked his lips in anticipation. He could 'take'
Negro in a few moments - the Mercedes had plenty more to give
him, he knew. He also knew that a driver of 'Poison's' reputation
was hardly likely to let him have it his own way. He prepared
himself for battle, as he gradually edged alongside.
Constanza Negro was mildly surprised to note it was not in
fact Oberstotter at the wheel but the English Count Backwards.
Nevertheless he was a rival who needed to be removed. He grinned
maniacally over at her, she stared blankly back from dark
lenses, looking rather skull like. Suddenly to Backwards'
horror, Negro's hand whipped out holding a pistol. He ducked
as the first shot cracked over his head. The second shot ricocheted
from his wing mirror. Snarling he steered away then back,
ramming the Maserati. Negro was forced to grab her steering
wheel with both hands, and rammed him in return.
Thus they sped along the road, wrestling with their powerful
engines, battering the bodywork, and then Negro's offside
mudguard folded under Backwards' wheel-arch locking the cars
together. She gave the Count a death's head grin as she aimed
her pistol at point-blank range.
Backwards however was ready. No fool (well
), as soon
as the fenders had locked he had prepared himself and drawn
from one of his many poachers' pockets an aerosol of ACME
Patent 'Confuser and Disabuser': a spin off from the Navy's
continuing attempts to invent a successful shark-repellent,
this one-use-only confection had developed for multi-purpose
use and was a blend of the finest cayenne pepper, itching
powder, mayonnaise, sump oil and luminous paint (for effect).
Backwards had been dying to use it, and today was that one-use
day: he gave it to 'Poison' full in the face.
Negro's eyes were protected by her sunglasses, not so her
nose and mouth and suddenly her world turned into hot, messy,
breathless agony. Retching, she dropped her pistol and pawed
frantically at the filthy stuff, whilst trying to see with
streaming eyes and steer with the other hand. With a shrieking
of parting metal, her Maserati peeled the Backwards' mudguard
away like the lid of a sardine tin, and spun off the road,
through a fence and a panicked flock of chickens, before crashing
through the doors of a barn, never to be seen in the race
Backwards kissed the tin and tossed it over his shoulder.
'One down,' he congratulated himself. His lips began to itch,
and he felt a sneeze coming
The outskirts of Klagenfurt were coming into view and the
remaining racers were forced to slow down and behave themselves.
As they neared the picturesque town they found they had to
negotiate a diversion, officered by a young and rather flustered
looking policeman. Sir Derek Micklethwaite was first to arrive
and was directed up a side street which took him into a very
run down and unlikely quarter of the town.
Backwards arrived next, but wasn't stopping for anyone, casting
a wristy gesture of contempt at the policeman and smashing
through the barrier. Other racers streamed in after him, depending
on their honesty (ha) some stopped for the officer, who was
able to fulfil his promise to Pitstop and misdirect them,
whilst others ignored him completely.
Lastly came Chugger Zoom, battered, oil besmeared, devoid
of windscreen and bearing three fuming people - one of whom
was bound and gagged on the backseat. Gabriel had suggested
the boot might be more 'comfortable' but Lavinia didn't want
Kitten getting her hands on the howitzer. Besides, some of
her best clothes were in there. The policeman was about to
direct this last party to the sewage works, when two monocled
figures appeared from the shadows and dragged him out of the