Episode 15 - "An Alpine Ambush
- Part Two"
The Church of Saint Jude on the outskirts of Turin was unusual
in the choice of it's patron, but Father Marco, the young
curate who ministered, was quietly pleased to have this church
in his pastoral care. He had always liked Jude, patron of
Lost Causes, because Father Marco always felt the Saint cared
for those poor souls who slipped through the net, and Marco,
a gentle and kind man was happy to do the Saint's work here.
Today as he entered the dim peaceful interior he had an uneasy
feeling, a strong feeling of dread. Having seen the motorcycle
parked outside he hoped the owner wasn't a member of the local
gang of disaffected youths that caused so much trouble. He
was pleasantly surprised therefore - and not a little relieved
- to note the figure of a young woman, sat by the confessional,
head bowed in an attitude of prayer. She was dressed in bike
leathers but had acquired a black lace mantilla from somewhere
with which she had covered her hair.
Father Marco approached her and a sudden chill went up his
spine. He shivered, 'Are you here for Confession, my daughter?'
The woman looked up, and there was something about the look
in her eyes that made Marco quail inwardly, but he also saw
there a desperate hope. If anyone needed the Saint's help,
it was this wayward child.
'Bless me Father for I have sinned. It's been
. Well,
it's been a while,' she said in a low voice.
Almost hesitating Marco said gently 'Come into the Confessional,
my child, God's grace is granted to all.' He had a foreboding
feeling about this woman. Her eyes, he thought, looked empty
and strange.
Hope warring with pessimism, Pitstop entered the box and remained
silent until the Priest prompted her. She cut to the chase.
'I'm losing my soul, Father.'
'My child, your soul is in God's keeping,' Marco began reassuringly,'If
you truly repent-' 'I have been cursed, Father!' she cut in
harshly, 'My soul has been damned. I can feel it draining.
Touch my hand.' She put her fingers through the grill.
'My child, really you are troubled but-' 'Touch it!' she commanded.
Reluctantly Father Marco did so - he felt he could not refuse.
He gasped in shock and let go quickly. Her skin felt like
ice! He steeled himself now fascinated with the phenomena
that sat before him.
'Tell me of it, my child,' he said, very seriously. He believed
her now. In a broken voice, sticking only to the pertinent
facts Pitstop recounted the events of her meeting with Maman
Noir and their aftermath.
'Maman Noir!' Father Marco gasped in horror and crossed himself
three times.
'You know her?,' asked Pitstop. 'Then please Father help me.
.save my soul!' Pistop pleaded.
Marco then did something he had never done before. He slid
back the screen and looked directly at the supplicant. 'My
child,' he said, very levelly and seriously. He knew what
he was about to say could have fatal consquences for them
both. He could tell this woman was a killer. She was also
desperate. 'My child,' he said again ,'The Church has known
of Maman Noir for nearly a century. In our eyes, if The Fallen
One has an agent on this earth, then she is it. It breaks
my heart to tell you this, but it is not in my power to fight
this except with prayer. I cannot break this curse.' Pitstop
gave a strangled cry, like a vixen caught in a snare. It was
only by sheer effort of will she resisted grabbing the priest's
'But my child,' continued Father Marco, 'I will write a letter
to His Holiness, I will seal it and it will grant you an audience.
He must be able to help you where I cannot.'
And he led a dejected Pitstop into his office where he was
as good as his word. She thanked him coldly and he walked
her in silence to her bike. He watched her ride away from
his church. 'Jude, my friend,' he said ,'Go with that poor
child - but I don't envy you the ride.'

Lavinia was extremely uneasy. She felt decidedly uncomfortable
about their predicament. It was not just the fact Chugger
Zoom had broken down (through sabotage), but their position
on the mountain side that bothered her: towering cliffs on
one side, and a yard from Chugger's wheels, five hundred feet
of empty space. Her half-brother hobbled around to sit next
to her on the bonnet, and put his arm around her shoulders.
'You all right, sis?' he asked sympathetically.
'Do you think they have avalanches here?' she replied, expressing
her main fear.
'Lord, no,' Gabriel lied, 'Not in these mountains. Safe as
houses these. I studied them in geography in Barchester.'
Lavinia gave him an appreciative smile. 'In between the three
F's,' she said, looking back to the mountainside. 'Gabriel
what's that up there?' pointing to the clifftop. Gabriel shaded
his eyes and squinted.
'Where, I can't see
.oh, hang on..' for something was
flashing, either something metallic, or maybe a lens. He simply
couldn't tell. 'I'm sure it's nothing,' he concluded with
a voice devoid of conviction. 'Let me have another look at
that engine
At that moment, a few stones skittered down the slope. Lavinia
grabbed her grandfather's army issue field-glasses from the
boot. 'Gabriel,' she said warningly ,'I can see someone moving
about up there.' 'Picnickers. Or a shepherd. Ignore it Livvi,'
said her half-brother once more beneath the car ,'Pass me
the spanner? Thanks. Fan-belt's been cut too
can you,
er, spare a stocking?,' he said, embarrassment in his voice.
There was a swishing of skirts and Lavinia's hand appeared
under the car with a balled Aristoc Harmony Point. Gabriel
took it gingerly and began to feed it around the engine. There
was another rockfall, larger this time, with bigger rocks
- and then another. 'Hurry Gabriel!' Lavinia urged. More rocks
were beginning to flow down the slope and bounce onto the
road in a steady stream.
Suddenly over the noise of the rockfall, the sound of neglected
diesel engine reached them, and around the curve in the road,
a FIAT tow-truck hove into view. Lavinia ran into the road,
simultaneously waving, hitching her skirt, swooning, and clasping
her hands to her bosom and batting her eyes. The truck pulled
over, the door opened, and out stepped the last person she
expected to see: Count Backwards.
'Sh**!' said Lavinia.
'Sh**t!' echoed Gabriel, emerging from under the car and grabbing
for his swordcane.
'Sh**t!' said Backwards, and held up both hands, before embarking
on a machine-gun rapid explanation. 'Listen-kids-no-time-I-did-for-your-car-now-I'm-here-to-help-Look!-tow-truck!-Gabriel-help-me-hitch-up-avalanche-blood-death-murder-don't-kill-me-I'm-on-your-side!'
It was the word 'avalanche' that helped. Lavinia, having a
clearer head than her brother was alive to the possibilities
of this unlikely but timely intervention.
'Gabriel!' she snapped, 'help Backwards hitch up! NOW!' The
two men leapt to action, surprisingly working well as a team
when danger threatened. Chugger was hoisted by its front axle
and the three piled into the cab of the truck, Lavinia in
the driving seat. She crashed first gear and stamped on the
accelerator. None too soon, as through the windscreen they
spied what looked like half the cliff-face descending towards
them. 'Hang on boys!' shrieked Lavinia and the truck shot
Pandora Pitstop was taking the shortest route she could south.
She wanted to get to Rome without delay for her audience with
(and she still barely believed this) His Holiness The Pope.
In her breast pocket, next to the other 'absolution' document,
was Father Marco's letter of introduction. Had she any mind
for idle speculation, Pitstop might have considered their
juxtaposition oddly fitting; but these days she was in ill
humour and in no mood for triviality. For her, life was much
too serious for games.
The shortest and speediest route for her, meant these winding
mountain roads, augmented by shortcuts over perilous goat
tracks where necessary, but being fearless and a consummate
biker, this she all took in her stride. As she crested one
peak and paused the bike to take her bearings, she noticed
something of immediate concern.

The road that she was about to join wound in hairpins on
this face of the mountain: some two hundred feet below her
she could see discern a small group of individuals with a
couple of vehicles - a tow truck and a car. Above them, but
below her was another individual, and it was the actions of
one that caused Pitstop alarm for the following reasons: firstly
she recognized him as Caspar von Lumpenkerl - a rival competitor
with a bad reputation; and secondly, because he was in the
act of operating his car jack against a large boulder, with
the clear indication of causing a deliberate rockfall. It
was obvious to Pitstop that were he to be successful, the
road below - her route south - would be impassable, and anyone
unfortunate enough to be on it, would be buried. She took
one last look, then turned her Enfield and sought a way down.
Caspar von Lumpenkerl watched with satisfaction as the avalanche
he had unleashed buried the road below him. His view was obscured
by the billowing dust and sand, so he didn't actually see
the end result but, he congratulated himself, that was one
major rival removed from the race. He brushed dirt from his
hands and picked up his jack, turning back to his Custom Citroen
Traction Avant. He found himself facing a slender leather
clad form on a classic bike. He had not heard the rider's
arrival over the tumult of the avalanche. He wondered how
much the rider had seen, but the rider's body language was
not encouraging. The rider removed the leather face mask and
von Lumpenkerl was initially surprised to see she was female,
then the penny dropped - of course, another rival: Pandora
Perhaps, he pondered, he could have a double killing today,
but how exactly, and could he have some fun first?
Pitstop watched him, judging the distance, her eyes not leaving
his, watching for his 'tell' - the twitch that would telegraph
his move.
'No doubt you saw,' von Lumpenkerl said casually, 'Nothing
in the Rules against it, pretty girl' and he sneered very
nastily. Pitstop said nothing, betrayed no emotion or change
of expression as she watched him edge closer, weighing the
jack in his hand. He wasn't close enough yet.
'Cat got your tongue?' the German taunted her, 'scared of
me? You should be.' His hand twitched and Pitstop noticed
the ring on his finger - it was a match to the one she had
lost years ago that night on the Orient Express. She squashed
the memory flat and concentrated on the present. Members of
the Guild did not as a rule eliminate each other however Pitstop's
membership had lasped. Caspar was fair game.
Von Lumpenkarl was gradually closing the distance between
them, subtly altering his grip on the car-jack: he was close
enough to spring, but his confidence was shaken by Pitstop's
lack of response. It caused him to rush his attack, and Pitstop
was ready. She swayed aside as her attacker hefted the jack,
allowing him to fall past her with his own momentum, and delivered
him a savage kick in the side. Von Lumpenkarl sprawled in
the dust, retching and releasing his hold on the tool. As
Pitstop approached, her attacker grabbed a hand full of dust
and flung it at her face. The woman had anticipated this however,
and her goggles were already in place, and she came on. Von
Lumpenkarl scrambled for his car, firing up the engine with
its custom autostart. Pitstop sprinted for her Enfield and
leapt astride it as the Citroen disappeared over the ridge.
She roared off in pursuit. She couldn't let him escape, and
she had a plan.
Ordinarily, and especially over the terrain, the Enfield should
have easily overhauled the Citroen, but Pitstop had to admit,
grudgingly, Von Lumpenkarl was a superb driver: he was fast
and took risks. Nevertheless she remained at his back bumper
as they raced around the mountain hairpins, Pitstop weaving
and evading his attempts to outbrake her and force her off
the road.
They were approaching a junction - Pitstop had to force him
to take the right fork - to do that she had to cut across
his front, and the only way to get ahead was pass on the cliff
side: to fail now was death - she set her teeth, revved her
engine and the bike screamed forward. Von Lumpenkarl checked
his mirror as Pitstop shot past and he swung his wheel, hoping
to ram the woman over the edge. He managed to clip her back
wheel, but whatever dark angel watched over her kept her on
the road - he nearly lost his road, but wrenched the steering
wheel back. He watched and sneered in satisfaction as Pitstop
wobbled, then went down, the bike sliding away into the left
fork of the junction. As Von Lumpenkarl took the right fork
he extended his finger in vicious triumph. He motored around
the curve at full speed, only too late returning his attention
to the road - and the rockfall that blocked it: the rockfall
of his own making. He barely had time to scream.

From her prone position Pitstop heard the explosion. She
smiled grimly, then stood, unhurt and returned her bike to
it's wheels. Bar a few scratches, the Enfield was fine. Pitstop
pulled out her map, checked her bearings, and headed south
for Rome
Pope Pius XI carefully read through the letter from Turin.
He was astonished, but had not risen to Pontiff by being exciteable.
Furthermore, he knew Father Marco personally for a sensible
honest man and a good Catholic priest. He read the letter
again, to be sure he understood it, then looked up at the
Cardinal standing before him, curiously wearing what appeared
to be driving gloves with his robes of office. 'Show the young
woman in, please, Father Scarletti' The Cardinal laced his
fingers together and flexed 'cracking his knuckles. He then
bowed smiling rather sadistically and departed, to return
with the black garbed woman, who walked proudly, but with
a tense set to her shoulders. The temperature of the audience
room lowered considerable with her entrance. Pope Pius XI
was reminded of the soldiers who used to come for blessing:
she reminded him of those, she had the air of one who was
going to war. 'Please sit down, my child,' he said in a kindly
manner, as a chair was placed for her. 'Your holiness,' Pitstop
began, 'I have come-' 'Yes, I know why you have come - Father
Marco has told me in his letter. A singular problem from the
Middle Ages, come to today. You have convinced one of my best
priests and I am prepared to take what he says as literal
truth. Furthermore, I can see and feel it in you.' Pitstop
shuddered 'You can?'
'I am Pope, my child,' Pius said mysteriously, but smiled
gently. Pitstop narrowed her eyes and leaned forward 'Can
you help me?' and added 'Please?' Pius steepled his fingers
and sank his chin on his chest as he considered his answer
'This is a question of Faith, child. I can bless you, absolve
you of your sins, baptise you to Christ, welcome you into
the Church and it's protection. But the greatest effect will
come from you - it must, if you believe in Christ's love and
miracle He will free you. This is in itself not a question
of buying indulgencies...' He looked at Pitstop and asked
her frankly 'Do you believe in Christ and will you come to
him?' Pitstop gave him a sidelong look 'Are you asking me
to become a nun?' she asked, laughter on her lips. 'If it
came to it. Freeing you from a curse may take a long time.'
Pitstop gave a noise of disgust and slight despair. Pius continued
'you have already been given your answer by the Witch, in
any case.' Pitstop remembered the words too well: until you
enter into a contract with a sworn enemy... 'But I tried that,'
she said exasperated. 'But did you think it would be easy?'
it is the Holy way - forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive
those that trespass against us' Pitstop stood. 'This is all
you can do isn't it, Holy Father?' taking his silence for
assent she continued 'You will not shut me behind walls, cage
me, confine me. My soul is my own, my life my own and I will
take them in my hands and wrench them back if I have to go
to Hell and back to do it!' She turned on her heel and stamped
out. Pius watched her go, Cardinal Scarletti drifted up to
his elbow. 'Poor child,' said Scarletti sarcastically. 'Indeed,'
said Pius smirking ,'Is your car ready?' 'Yes Father.' 'Good,'
said Pius, making the sign of the cross on his Cardinal's
forehead and handing him a solid gold St Christopher's medallion,
'Currency, should you need it. Now go and win the Rumble Rally
for the Vatican, the fabulous prize must be ours. And, you
now have one less competitor to worry about. She will be too
busy worrying about her own Fate.'
Cardinal Scarletti paused, turned and looked back at Pius
and asked, 'Could you have helped her?' Pius smiled knowingly
and replied, 'Yes, of course, I AM Pope after all.' Scarletti
shrugged his shoulders, turned again and left the audience
Racers & Odds
In a desterted dock area at the unfashionable end of the
least salubrious marina of the Port of Monte Carlo, a sea
mist was rising. Amid its nebulous swirls, just discernable
among the mooring posts and bales, a figure waited: trenchcoat
done up tight to the upturned collar, the trilby pulled low.
Wreaths of Gauloise smoke laced the air. The figure appeared
to be waiting.
Presently, a somewhat slighter shadow slipped out of the
darkness, and in soft Oriental tones murmured:
'A V8 is preferable on warm nights
The other's cigarette tip glowed and he responded: 'If the
hood gives concealment'.
The Oriental bowed and held out his hand expectantly, and
a folded and sealed paper was slipped into his grasp. The
trench-coated stranger melted into the shadows. The Oriental
glanced about him, then cracked the seal and unfolded the
paper. This is what he read:
Name |
L. Kydd-Leatherette |
K. Caboodle |
P. Pitstop |
Backwards |
Scarletti (Vatican) |
v Lumpenkarl |
Antomas |
‘Poison’ Negro |
Derek Micklethwaite |
Carlos Sarducci |
Kozhakhmetova |
Entrant 40-2
Soviet Army) |
Chiverton-Smythe |
of Picadilly) |
Malo Hernandez |
Estate) |
Violencia Van Zeil |
McLaughlin |
Howlers RC) |
Thompson-Vickers |
Arms) |
Dragana Wolfsteiner |
Mijuskovic |
Oberstoetter |
‘Chip’ Woodward III |
Super-wides) |
Templeman |
Swigger |
Bruisers) |
Takamori |
Song |
The Oriental's lips pressed in a slim line. Clearly there
were contenders that needed to be removed to improve his chances.
He disappeared into the night.